Tasco Appliance Blog

How to Properly Store Wine

Written by Andrew - Your Tasco Pro | Feb 5, 2019 9:44:19 PM

There’s nothing quite like uncorking, decanting, and enjoying a bottle of your favourite wine after a long day. Whether it’s a glass of full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon with dinner, or a refreshingly crisp glass of your favourite Pinot Grigio on the patio, there’s something to be said about the unique aromas and lasting flavours that come with each sip. It’s an experience in and of itself! 

To get the most out of your wine, you’ll want to make sure it’s properly stored. There are different storage methods depending on the type of wine, whether or not the bottle has been opened and has a cork. 


Before Opening

If your bottle of wine is unopened, be sure to store it in a dark, cool place. Keep the wine isolated and away from direct sunlight, as UV rays can lower the quality of the wine and give it an unpleasant odour.

Most modern wine cellars are equipped with tempered UV protective glass that’ll help preserve your wines. Depending on your needs, you can choose from built-in, freestanding, or under-counter configurations of wine cellars, each with their own capacities, typically ranging anywhere from 14 to 147 bottles. 

It also helps to store corked wine bottles on their sides, so the corks don’t dry out and subsequently allow air to get to the wine. That’s also why you’ll want to try and keep the humidity quite high (at around 65 to 70 per cent) in the place where you store your wines – it prevents the corks from drying out too quickly, and helps preserve the wine.

Temperature Control

Controlling the temperature is equally as important. A stable, constant temperature is essential. If you’re storing a variety of wines, keeping the unit at a cool 12°C should do the trick. Keep in mind that accurate storage temperatures vary depending on what type of wine you are storing, and serving.    

Many modern wine cellars are equipped with humidity and temperature controls that allow you to customize how cool or humid the space will be. Some wine cellars even have dual zone temperature settings – which allow you to control specific compartments of the cellar independently. This feature will come in handy if you have a variety of red and white wine that need to be stored at different temperatures.

Another neat feature you’ll often find in wine cellars is wood shelving. This is to help absorb the moisture and aid in the preservation and aging processes. Other useful features that can be found in wine cellars include: customizable racks, interior lighting, LED displays and control panels, and even built-in locks – to keep the wine out of reach of children, and curious wine lovers alike.


After opening

Once your bottle has been opened, you’ll want to take special care of it to ensure it doesn’t spoil too quickly. Most red wines can be re-corked and left out for at least a few days before going bad. Be sure to store them in a dark, cool place, though.

White wine that has been opened should definitely be stored in a wine cellar or refrigerator. It can stay fresh for up to a week if you re-cork the bottle, and do your best to keep it away from direct light.

Wine cellars are the most efficient (and most convenient) way to store your vinos. For more information on wine cellars and storage units, visit one of our showrooms, or contact one of the pros at Tasco today.


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